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Meet the face
behind the posts

My name is Alessandra D'Atanasio and I am an aspiring fashion journalist.


With a BA degree in Fashion Cultures and Techniques and having just recently concluded my MA degree in Fashion Communication at Condé Nast College of fashion & design, I am a hardworking 23-year-old who owns a deep and varied understanding of the fashion industry. I created You can sip with us with the goal to have a platform where I can write about the things I love the most and enrich my portfolio. 


My articles are mostly lighthearted, and they focus on a variety of subjects, such as beauty, music, cinema and more. You'll see that I like to write short, little sips of content, hence the name of the blog.  

If you want to know more about me, come find me on LinkedIn â€‹or email me by filling in the form down below!




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